
Workload        Distribution      Table

Group member name
  Work done
Ho Hei Man
Information seeking strategies
Tam Yuk Cheong, 10280050
Research topic, Task definition
Yau Kai Yin
Hon Ka Kwong
Use of  information, Synthesis


Task definition


  • Define the problem
  • Identify the information needed to complete the task
  1. What am I expected to do?
  2. Do I understand what I need to do?
  3. What are the questions I need to answer?
  4. What do I need to know about the topic?
  5. What type of information do I need?
  6. How is it relevant to my life?

Questioning tools

KWL chart


SCMP 10 years news archive

Government Document

Hong Kong Yearbook 2013 (Environmental)
Hong Kong Yearbook dedicates a section to discuss the Environmental  problem in Hong Kong. It provides information on the waste management in Hong Kong in general

Figures & Statistics

Implementation of Waste Disposal Plan

Waste Treatment & Disposal Statistics

Waste Recycling Statistics

Monitoring of Solid Waste in Hong Kong

Chemical Waste Treatment Centre

Clinical Waste Statistics

Import and Export of Waste

Research Topic

Research Topic: Waste management in Hong Kong

Introduce the topic
Youtube  Channel



Encyclopedia(background information)

Waste management in Hong Kong

Image (According to the website of Environmental Department)
Problem and Solution


Location and access

3. Location and access

In this part, students are required to:

  1. List 3 - 5 research questions which  related to research topic they proposed in task 2.
  2. identify which sources can help students to answer the research questions.

How to brainstorm research questions related to research topic?

Students may use "5W1H" to brainstorm research questions. "5W1H" means who, what, when, where, why and how. Here are some examples:

What, specifically,...?
What next?
What else?

Where else?
Where are you?
Where, exactly...?

When, exactly, will you...?
When will it start/end?
When will I know?

Why does that happen?
Why not?

How many?
 How much?
 How does it work?

Who will do this?
Who else will do this?
Who pays?
Who benefits?

How to evaluate the reliability of various types of resources?

In this parts, students are required to evaluate the reliability of the resources. Teachers may introduce the following three criteria:

  1. Does the resource provides the author's name?  
  2. Does the publisher of the resource well-known?
  3. Does the resource include a full reference list at the end?

 How to collect your information from different types of resources more systemically?

In this task, students need to overview many resources in short time. Some software, such as Google Docs and Evernote, can help students to organize information easier and more systematic.

Google Docs


Information Seeking strategies

2. Information seeking strategies

After finishing the task one, Students may have basic knowledge about the issue. In this part, students are required to:

  1. Collect sources related to the research topic in various types (such as books, newspapers, websites, government document, etc. 
  2. Based on the guidance from teacher,evaluate  the usefulness and limitation of information they collected before. 
  3. Determine a focus for the research and narrow the research topic into a smaller scope. 

(a) News

Google News

Google News is a free news aggregator provided and operated by Google, selecting up-to-date news from thousands of newspapers. The main advantages of Google News is that it groups everyone social issue from different publications into one pages. Readers can compare the viewpoints towards the issues from different mass medium.

Wise News
Same as Google News, Wises News allows

South China Morning Post, “waste management” page
A special web page in SCMP site which include all news about waste management in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Public Library

(b) Electronic databases or E-books

Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources (GREENR)
“GREENR” provides you with contents of customizable journals, newspapers and magazines, news, and videos. It is useful resource for your school projects or research on topics related to environmental protection.

Google Books

Google Books (previously known as Google Book Search and Google Print) is a service from Google. that searches the full text of books and magazines that Google has scanned, converted to text using optical character recognition, and stored in its digital database.

(c) Government Document

Hong Kong Blueprint for Sustainable Use of Resources 2013 – 2022

In May 2013, the Government unveiled the “Hong Kong Blueprint for Sustainable Use of Resources 2013 – 2022” which maps out a comprehensive strategy, policies and action plans for waste management in the coming 10 years to tackle the imminent waste problem. You may have a full understanding about this issue.

Policy Address

Policy address is the annual address by the Chief Executive of Hong Kong. The Chief Executive introduce the new development of various policy areas in the Policy Address, including environmental policy. You can  get an overview about the waste management policy from 1997 to now.

Environmental protection Department, waste page
Environmental protection department(EPD) is one of the government departments which implementing environmental policy in Hong Kong. The above link provides many useful facts and figures about waste management in Hong Kong.  

Waste Reduction Website
The Target of this website is mainly for general public. We can get some ideas about waste reduction at home, school, workplace and community level.  

How to brainstorm and narrow  your research topic?

Students can use “concept map” to brainstorm ideas and narrow down their research topic. There are many concept-map software that can help students draw concept-map easier and most of them are free.

Free Mind

Free Mind is a concept-Map free software. Students can draw concept-map easier. And the product can be exported as jpg, pdf or html types file.

How to search information more effective?

Many online resources, for example, Google, YouTube, WiseNews,. etc., provide keyword searching function. Therefore, teachers should introduce students to some searching skills. It can help them to find information they need easier. The following websites provide web searching online tutorial for students:

Principles of Web Searching

Very comprehensive introduction to how the Web is constructed and how the search tools work. Sections on Robot-Assembled Databases, Human-Assembled Databases, Subject-Based Databases, Multiple Search Engine Interfaces and more. Links to the search engines described in the article, along with their strengths and weaknesses.

How to be a Web Hound (Maricopa CC) http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/webhound/index.html

A fun tutorial to get you started with Web surfing and searching. Sections on: Scouting the Range, Scoping the Search, Using Your Tools, Starting Points, and Searching with Engines. Handy worksheets accompany each section—for you to print out and use to help structure your search.




A. Paraphrasing and Summarizing


To paraphrase means to express someone else's ideas in our own language. To summarize means to distill only the most essential points of someone else's work. Paraphrase and summary are indispensable tools in essay writing.This website teaches students how to paraphrase and how to write summary.

B. Citation tools: 

 1. http://www.citationmachine.net/
In this site, Citation Machine automatically generates citations in  APA.Citation Machine uses an easy to use 3 step process to create our citations.

In this site, we can generate citations in  APA formats for our bibliography.It can save time by making a Works Cited page automatically.

3. http://www.bibme.org/
In this website,the fully automatic bibliography maker that auto-fills. It's the easiest way to build a works cited page.

C.Presentation tools:

1.  http://prezi.com/
Prezi is a cloud-based presentation software .The product employs a zooming user interface , which allows users to zoom in and out of their presentation media.
2 http://www.emaze.com/
Emaze provides presentation software, free of charge to anyone. With Emaze, students can develop a slideshow presentation similar to PowerPoint.

SlideDog is a powerful tool designed for handling multimedia that allows students to create impressive presentations. It is a powerful presentation tool that seamlessly switches between multimedia presentation files.

4. https://animoto.com/ 
Animoto is a cloud-based video creation service that can easily produces video from photos, video clips, and music into video slideshows.



6. Evaluation

In order to be an information literate student, you have to judge effectiveness throughout the entire Big6 process.

Task 1. Task Definition

“What is my task?”

"What is the basic knowledge about the issue?"

Task 2. Information Seeking Strategies

“What information do I need to complete this assignment?”

"Do you have the comprehensive and highly useful data collected with appropriate tools?"

"Do I used to using Google or other search engines?"

"Do I collect the sourses related to the research topic in various types?" "Is it enough?"

"Does the information related to the issue concerned?" 

"Do you brainstorm your research topic?

Task 3. Location and Access

"Do I list 3-5 research question which related to research topic they proposed in task 2?"?"

"How easy to find the information that I am looking for?"

"Do I able to identify important keywords to use in the location and access stage?"

Task 4. Use of Informational Synthesis

"How well do I felt using the information from the variety of resources?" 

"Do I draw the significant findings from the analysis of data with appropriate methods"

" Do I presented explorative and relevant ideas on the issue concerned?"

"Do I presented the work in a structured manner?"

Task 5. Synthesis

"Do I present clearly, well-organized and easy to understand?"

The student can access to various assessment tools from the following website

Assessment tools and Rubrics

Refer this pages, there are support materials for assessments that work with the Common Core State Standards and rubrics for many different assessment products. It also contains some information on the creation of rubrics and assessment in general.

RubiStar Maker - Make your own rubric by selecting different categories from this excellent online tool.

Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authoritry

Refer to the website of Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authoritry, we can read the information about the School-based Assessment (Independent Enquiry Study), it is very useful for the student to design the assessment items and rules. 

One good way for you to judge the effectiveness and efficiency of your project  
is to develop a rubric or a checklist of questions to ask yourselves.
Refer the websites, We design the form for your reference.

Describe to the learners how their performance will be evaluated.


Defining the enquiry issue
Defines the scope of issue with appropriate focus questions

Defines the scope of issue with fairly appropriate focus questions

Defines the scope of issue with less than appropriate focus questions

Identifies multiple perspectives for exploring the issue concerned.
Identifies some perspectives for exploring the issue concerned.
Identifies limited perspectives for exploring the issue concerned.

Collection of Materials
Identifies relevant materials
Identifies materials which are fairly relevant
Identifies limited materials

Identifies relevant concepts related to the issue concerned.
Identifies fairly relevant concepts related to the issue concerned.
Identifies few concepts related to the issue concerned.

Deploys comprehensive and highly useful data collected with appropriate tools
Deploys fairly comprehensive and fairly useful data collected with appropriate tools
Present less than comprehensive and marginally useful data collected with appropriate tools

Draws significant findings from the analysis of data with appropriate methods.
Draws fairly significant findings from the analysis of data with fairly appropriate methods
Draws less than significant findings from the analysis of data with less than appropriate methods

Communicates the findings from multiple perspectives related to the issue concerned.
Communicates the findings from some perspectives related to the issue concerned.
Communicates the findings from limited perspectives related to the issue concerned.

One's Own Views
Provides insightful ideas, views and/or suggestions, which are relevant to the issue concerned, with supportive arguments.
Provides ideas, views and/or suggestions adapted from previous findings of others, which are quite relevant to the issue concerned, with fair supportive arguments.
Provides ideas, views and/or suggestions following previous findings of others with very limited adaptations, which are loosely relevant to the issue concerned, with limited supportive arguments.

Shows a high level of competence in the reflection on the enquiry and in drawing out implications.
Shows a moderate level of competence in the reflection on the enquiry and in drawing out implications.
Shows a low level of competence in the reflection on the enquiry and in drawing out implications.